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NEWS: Arjun Iyer joins ExperienceFlow as Chief Revenue Officer

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If there is one thing that has been constant in the last seven years, it is ‘mind-boggling change’! Back in 2016, I serendipitously met Daniel Dines and Coenraad van der Poel. I joined UiPath soon after as one of the founding leaders in the Americas. RPA was a fledgling category then…distinctly remember, in the initial sales conversations, customers asking me to first point where Romania was on the World map before I could proceed with my value pitch 😊

Fast-forward to 2020, applied AI and ML came to the fore; several innovative technology startups sprouted to solve many specific pain points that RPA and automation, in general, could not address sufficiently. It soon became the problem customers were trying to address: ‘too much tech debt’!

Today, in 2023, to quote the CTO of Sam’s Club, “we are going to see more organizations start to move away from deploying siloed AI and ML applications that replicate human actions for highly specific purposes and begin building more connected ecosystems with AI at their core. This will enable organizations to take data from throughout the enterprise to strengthen machine learning models across applications, effectively creating learning systems that continually improve outcomes. For enterprises to be successful, they need to think about AI as a business multiplier rather than simply an optimizer.”

Imagine the value we unlock for society if every enterprise is powered by AI that augments human roles at all levels and can consistently achieve optimal outcomes under any circumstance.

Welcome to, the only AI-powered autonomous decision-making platform in enterprises called the “Enterprise Digital Nervous System (‘EDNS’).” ExperienceFlow’s AI platform is a unique combination of technologies similar to Tesla’s End-to-End Autonomous Planning/Decision Architecture, AlphaGo Zero’s Adversarial Optimization Models, and ChatGPT’s Reinforcement Learning based on Human Feedback (RLHF).

The EDNS is essentially a ‘Full-Self-Drive’ of Tesla in business functions. It is built on industry best practices while being tailored to your business systems and role-specific experiences from historical data, and directing future activity, broadly at an Enterprise-wide level and pointedly at a micro-process level.

Thank you for welcoming me to the family, Giri Srinivas ATG, and the ExperienceFlow.AI team! I am sincerely pleased to join ExperienceFlow.AI as Chief Revenue Officer. My focus for the next few years will be to get this unique technology into the hands of every customer, channel partner, and employee.